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A woman had left a message on the Pet Patrol Line very concerned about a cat. She said he
was extremely skinny and had no collar. He was in her yard and she had no idea where he
came from. Although the weather had been nice, it was unpredictable. The nights have been
cool and a rain storm was imminent. There was concern for the malnourished cat, if left out
side, that he may become sick and suffer. The woman didn’t want to get too close to Fenway
because of allergies and wanted someone to come and rescue him. But was he friendly and
would a humane trap be needed? One of our volunteers popped over as she lived in the
neighbourhood and easily picked up this poor starving boy and popped him into a carrier.
Within a half hour he was at the sanctuary where he was found to be an absolutely gorgeous
boy, and he seems to be a Siamese, Himalayan Cross. Fenway was not neutered, had no ID
tag or collar, and had been outside for a long time. This friendly boy did not deserve to be


Fenway showed us immediately that he is a wonderful cat. He can easily be picked up, cuddled, and is happy to have been rescued. He is steadily regaining his health and weight.
Being laid back by nature has helped him to be calm and unfazed by the changes that life has
brought him. He has integrated in with the other cats without incident and is showing his
playful side. Fenway is a completely adoptable and adorable cat. He is now ready to be
adopted into his forever home. One that will welcome him into the family and keep him safely

If you are interested in adoption please contact Pet patrol at 519-669-1979